Wednesday, June 1, 2011

First Time

Last week, our client decided that for the final release, I should fly to Manila for the testing and deployment of our project.  Honestly, at first I was excited, because I can go to Manila, without any expenses.  But when the day came near, I got nervous.  Since, I'll be traveling alone.  I don't know anybody there.  On the day of my trip, I cried so hard until I fell asleep.  I did not want to go already.  But I didn't have a choice.

My papa was the one who took me to the airport.  My mama was still asleep when I left, so I did not have the chance to say goodbye.  And now, I miss them so much.  Including my so kiat dogie cody. Hehehehe!

After I checked-in, I did not know where to go.  I did not know where gate 5 was located and I did not want to ask for any direction.  Hehehe!  (nipatuo ni jill nga don't talk to strangers...hahahahaha!)  For an hour, I just stayed in one location until the time wherein we where told that we should be inside the lounge area 5.  So I roam around the airport and finally found it.  Hahahaha!

While I was on the plane, I began to cry.  I began to cry thinking of what is in store for me when I arrive in Manila.  I cried because I know that I am alone and that when I will arrive in Manila, I have nobody to go to. Good thing, the manong one seat from me kept me company throughout the trip.  The manong kept on looking on the window because he wants to see if he can locate their province while he is up on the air.  Hahahaha!

When we finally arrived in Manila, I was freakin' nervous because I'll be meeting my client.  I'm really afraid of him.  Jeff, one of the employee of my client, fetch me to the airport.  The first thing that I asked him is if how many minutes is MOA from their office.  Hehehehe!

I am staying in my client's house while I'm here in Manila.  And all I can say is, it's no fun at all.  No fun at all.  All I want right now is for me to go back home.  To be with my family, friends and my bhe2x.  I don't wan't to go back here.

First Times on this trip:

  1. First time to travel alone
  2. First time to be in Manila
  3. First time to sit beside the window on the plane
  4. First time to ride Cebu Pacific plane(going to Manila)
  5. First time to ride ZestAir plane(going back to Cebu)

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